District Structure

The business of Nepal District of Optimist International is administered under the guidance of District Board of Directors. The District Board of Directors consists of the Officers of the District, the two Immediate Past Governors (if available), and the President of each Club.

District Officers

Governor, Governor-Elect, Deputy Governor, District Secretary, District Treasurer and Lieutenant Governors are the officers of the District.

District Executive Committee

The District Executive Committee is comprised of the District officers and the two most Immediate Past Governors (if available). The Sergeant-at-Arms, Parliamentarian and JOI Governor serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee. The District Board of Directors or the District Convention delegates define the powers and authority of the Executive Committee.

District Committees:

Law Enforcement and Program Committee (LEProC)

As per the provisions of District Policies, District Convention delegates form Law Enforcement and Program Committee (LEProC). The primary function of the LEProC is to ensure that the activities of the organization (District, Zones and Clubs), its officers and members comply with national law, international accord, local customs, legislation, and Optimist International and District policies. This committee is also responsible to manage the implementation of all those programs and projects planned or to be carried out by the District in which the direct beneficiary is expected to be the subject other than the members of the organization.

The LEProC is composed of at least eleven (11) members to include the Deputy Governor (to chair the committee), District Secretary, District Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Parliamentarian, and Coordinators. The Sergeant-at-Arms, Parliamentarian and Coordinators of this committee are elected for one-year term in the District Convention. The Governor and the Governor-Elect are positioned as the Ex-officio members of this committee. Sergeant-at-Arms and Parliamentarian are positioned as the Ex-officio nonvoting members of the Executive Committee and the District Board of Directors.

Duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms

The Sergeant-at-Arms monitors the activities of the organization, its officers and members, and submits his/her report in quarterly basis to the committee that either the activities comply with national law, international accord, local customs, legislation, and Optimist International and District policies. The report of the Sergeant-at-Arms has to be discussed in the LEProC, and if any discrepancy is noted, the LEProC submits its report to the District Board of Directors for required decision. The Sergeant-at-Arms serves as the vice-chairperson of the LEProC.

Duties of the Parliamentarian

The responsibilities of the Parliamentarian are to advise the District Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and other committees on meeting procedures, Robert’s Rules of Order, and other relevant rules, regulations and customs. The Parliamentarian has also to engage in the leadership trainings organized by the District for its officers, club officers and members. The Parliamentarian shall serve as the Joint-secretary of the LEProC.

Duties of the Coordinators

The committee has to specify one of the coordinators to coordinate each of the projects or programs to be implemented or to be organized by the committee. The coordinator has to form a project implementation committee or program organizing committee to implement/organize the specified project/program. It is the responsibility of the coordinator to submit the program completion report (including the financial report) to the LEProC, District Secretary and District Treasurer within fifteen (15) days from completion of the project/program.

In addition to LEProC, there shall be Finance Committee, Candidate Qualifications Committee, Credentials Committee, Conferences and Conventions Committee, JOI Clubs Development Committee, and upon proposal of the Governor, the District Executive Committee shall approve to establish such committees as it deems appropriate to carry out the administration of the District.